Hello Camp Families and Friends!
Occasionally, we welcome guests to post on our camp blog, and it is a joy to introduce Emily Kasper as a contributor. Emily has been sending her kids to camp for a few years now, and has offered to share some of her unique perspectives on our platform. A hearty thank you to Emily for sharing these insightful little posts with us, and we hope you enjoy! God bless you, Adam Trufant
Need a lift and want to feel like the world is a beautiful place? That it’s in good hands for the future?
You need to visit our summer camp.
Do you want to see teens working, and not just working, working HARD?
Check out the Junior Counselors learning the ropes of being on staff. They are w-o-r-k-i-n-g. One notable responsibility is helping with meal cleanup.
They’re carrying and lifting and washing and drying. They’re sneaking bites of sandwich in the lulls between the sprints- passing half a cookie to a friend. They are steadily replacing, repairing, sweating…. And smiling through it all. They’re the world’s most beautiful teens in trucker hats and oversized t-shirts, singing together to an old CD player sitting in the corner. Even when they’re not scheduled, these JC’s are ducking their heads in the dish room to cheer each other on. I am not sure there is another location that can replicate this complex relationship of work hard and play hard. You might have to see it to believe it.
You would be blown away at the grit (and grins) of these young ones- scrabbling towards adulthood through hard work and all the goodness they can muster. They are cheering one another on, quietly picking up the pace.
These teens are proud of themselves at the end of this work- at the end of this summer- and what’s more- they have good reason to be.
Rest easy. The world is in good hands… they’re just busy at the moment stacking cups and doing a mountain of dishes.