Choose the Hard Right

Oct 30, 2022 | Adam Trufant

“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”

– Gilbert Keith Chesterton 

There is plenty of excitement in this off-season at camp! Our year-round staff is working hard to prepare for the best summer ever! New and improved equipment, updated facilities, wonderful new friendships formed in camp showings, full rosters for off-season staff events, and a sense of genuine support and momentum are all things to be grateful for in our camp family. But far more exciting than any new building or improved part of the physical property of camp is news that a seed planted at camp is bearing fruit in the life of of one of our campers. When a recent phone call from one of our amazing camp moms revealed the following growth, our hearts were warmed to the core. Here is some of what she shared with us:

“The camp experience has helped my daughter immensely in dealing with some tough things in the real world.  The talk from camp about ‘standing for the hard right against the easy wrong’ really impacted her and has influenced how she chooses friends, protects others with her words, and stands up to bullies.  It’s like camp has given her a foundation, something to fall back on, and she would not have that other side of her if she had not gone to Kahdalea.  We do our best to teach her everything we can, but sometimes her counselor’s words are what really sustains her during the tough part of the school year.” 

Like so many other parents watching her child navigate some difficulties at school, this camp parent is grateful for the extracurriculars that strengthen her daughter and make her more to able to encounter adversity with grace.  I was thrilled to hear her talk about the courage her child has derived from the lessons she learned at Kahdalea.  We are always grateful witnesses when we see our campers become, each in their own way, “a leader in goodness” in the world! 

This parent went on to share a few more encouraging words from her daughter, “I just miss camp.  It was so much easier there and there wasn’t any drama.”  Join us as we pray for next summer!  May Kahdalea and Chosatonga continue to provide a fun, loving, and beautiful community in which each person understands how valued and cherished they are. Thank you for all you do to support our mission!