Join Our Staff

Who are we looking for?

We look for individuals with integrity and Godly commitment, as well as a sense of humor, a love for children and the outdoors! Their skills must match the tasks at hand both in their activities and in their cabins. Many of our staff return year after year and all are given additional training in pre-camp orientations and activity clinics. Our counselors are given time to become familiar with your child and his or her particular needs and gifts. We maintain a 3:1 ratio of campers to staff in order to ensure that each child receives the special attention that he or she deserves. Our staff is like a family. They are a close knit team of good friends with a common cause – to provide the most wholesome and fun summer possible for each camper.

“Our greatest ministry is having a staff with a true and deep commitment to God, a desire to please Him and to grow in our faith. Faith is ‘caught’ when campers see a committed staff walking out their faith in day to day life. We invite our staff to model their faith with joy and enthusiasm.”


  • Working at CKC, your work setting is nestled in a beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain valley surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres of rugged and beautiful North Carolina wilderness. If you don’t already love this area, you will have time to explore and fall in love with one of the most enchanting corners of North America.
  • Because our camp sessions are 3½ and 5 weeks in length, relationships among staff and campers have time to flourish and mature in our unplugged camp setting. Are programs are not a revolving door of new faces, but a substantial opportunity to encounter each person.  You will have TIME to build friendships and teach great skills! Indeed, the depth of relationships and the wild, magical environment keep our staff coming back.
  • Our Brother-Sister Camps operate very closely. Located only a mile apart, we have the pleasure of fostering beautiful friendships between the camps. While it is certainly lots of work, it is also lots and lots of fun! 
  • While camp is an incredible opportunity to learn new skills and make wonderful friends, it is first and foremost a great Christian ministry. We believe you will feel so at home here because of the genuine love shared among the camp family. Over and over again we hear from our alumni that camp was a place that stirred up the flame of faith for them. Former campers and staff return often to visit our grounds which have been so formative and peaceful for them. We hope camp encourages your relationship with God as well! 
  • Working with CKC will give you two weeks of in-depth training (or more if you’re in an adventure activity) both in your activity and for the cabin setting. We work extra hard to create a staff environment that is enriching, fun, and helpful! You will also have the opportunity to receive certifications to better prepare you for the work of the summer.

Important Staff 2025 Dates & Opportunities

OVERALL SUMMER DATES (Training and Camp): May 22 – Aug 4.

Additional Counselor Training: For our primary tripping staffs (Wilderness, Climbing, Paddling, Mountain Biking) clinics begin May 19.

For staff, there are opportunities to significantly increase your income and fun at camp by joining us before and after our regular sessions for school and youth groups whom we host on property, as well as our Family Camp!

Kahdalea and Chosatonga Spirit

We strive to provide an ideal setting for young men & women to grow to their fullest potential in the important areas of spiritual, physical, mental and social development. A strong emphasis is placed on Christian character-building in our interdenominational worship programs. Inspirational campfires, Sunday morning church services and other special times comprise the religious aspect of camp. Our greatest ministry is having a staff with a true and deep commitment to God, a desire to please Him and to grow in our faith. Faith is “caught” when campers see a committed staff walking out their faith in day to day life. We invite our staff to model their faith with joy and enthusiasm.

Service to others, unselfishness, courage, loyalty, integrity, respect, friendliness, honesty, and fine sportsmanship these are values we hold high. These are goals toward which every counselor should strive.

Camp is designed to provide a growth experience in a wilderness setting. The resources of nature and human personalities are used to enrich a balanced program of fun, adventure, education and inspiration. This growth involves not only skills, physical growth, mental growth and intellectual achievements, but growth also in general maturity. Emphasis is placed on the development of good attitudes, self confidence, self reliance, resourcefulness, social graces, a sense of values, moral convictions, religious faith, and a Christian way of life.

Opportunities & Training

Opportunities in these activities are filled as applications are received:

  • Rock climbing
  • Backpacking
  • Horseback Riding
  • Tennis
  • Theatre
  • Aerobics
  • Karate
  • Drama
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Canoeing
  • Kayaking
  • Whitewater Canoeing
  • Dance
  • Mountain Biking
  • Swimming
  • Marksmanship: Riflery & Archery
  • Nature
  • Fishing
  • Gymnastics
  • Team sports
  • Cooks & more

You might also have other talents that might be fun in a camp setting. We would love to hear about them. Please, let us know!

Experience in one of these fields is very helpful and is preferred.  We, however, offer training in many of the activities.  Red Cross certifications in swimming, First-aid, Wilderness First-aid, Canoeing, or NRA certification, etc. are also helpful and First Aid is necessary for out of camp trip leaders.  We also need cooks and other food service help, office help, drivers and other support personnel.

Counselor Requirements

Counselors must be 18 years of age and have completed one year of college or equivalent experience, unless they’ve completed our in-camp Junior Counselor Leadership Program. Counselors are usually hired for the standard camp length of nine weeks with clinics and orientation as prerequisites, especially for first year counselors.

Location, Size & Sessions

Kahdalea & Chosatonga lie in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina, a region that’s awesome for summer life outdoors.  The camps occupy separate facilities about one mile apart.  Kahdalea’s capacity is about 150 and Chosatonga’s is about 85.

We are not your usual camp with lots of one or two week sessions.  Our sessions are three and a half and five and a half weeks long.  It’s great for teaching quality activities, getting to know the kids and for building rich friendships.

Each camp has its own lakes, clear bubbling streams, springs, and hiking trails at an elevation of 3000 feet.  The camps are bordered on three sides by Pisgah National Forest—providing nearly unlimited acreage of beautiful mountain woodlands.  

Transportation to Camp

The camp has no responsibility for travel arrangements to or from camp but we can help you out with advise and opportunities to carpool. Travel arrangements should be made well in advance of opening and closing. 

A travel reimbursement bonus is offered to our early bird staff sign-ups!

We are so pleased that you are interested in Kahdalea & Chosatonga. Camp is rewarding but hard work. We believe you’ll love it!