Welcome Adventure.
Cultivate Wonder.
Encounter Faith.

Our Mission


Kahdalea for girls and Chosatonga for boys are two separate Christian summer camps located about a mile apart in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Our campers are ages 8-17, with 7 year olds accepted into our introductory mini sessions. We are known for the extraordinary quality of our staff and our low counselor-to-camper ratios.

The multi-week length of most of our camp sessions creates special opportunities for personal growth for our campers, from forming lifelong healthy friendships not based on technology, to mastering new skills, to the powerful lessons campers learn when they're in an environment where they are loved and seen for being exactly who they are.

Our campers find role models and opportunities at camp to learn how to welcome adventure, to be leaders in goodness, to take time to pray, to encounter faith, to grow in gratitude, and to choose the hard right against the easy wrong. Kahdalea and Chosatonga give children both the beautiful outdoors and a safe, nurturing place to play again—a place where they’ll have the best summer of their lives.