Seek Challenge - Grow Grit: Wilderness First Responders at Your Service!
Two weeks ago, our year round staff at CKC had the opportunity to take a Wilderness First Responder class with Sierra Rescue, a wilderness medical educational institute. One of our friends over at Camp Carolina who is a Wilderness EMT, Wilderness First Responder, and certified by Sierra Rescue spent eight days teaching us how to…
Seek Challenge - Grow Grit: The Beauty Within Discipline
This is one of my newest discoveries: the importance and beauty of discipline. I came to this realization after I noticed a pattern in my life. The pattern is what I like to call, “There I go again thinking I can do it all on my own.” I get out of my routine of talking…
Seek Challenge - Grow Grit: 3 Ways To Teach Your Child How to Handle Hardship
“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her own life.“ Viktor E. Frankl It is difficult, to say the least, to observe your child…
We are a Family: “Opening Day” by Emily Kasper
There are few joys in life like the opening day of a North Carolina sleepaway camp. Early that morning, the cabins stand quietly ready, creaking beams impatient for the weight of rambunctious campers to fill them once more with trunks of new stationary and old sneakers. The equipment is readied, the grass mown, the kitchens…